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Saturday, September 11, 2010


`Next movie in the KZNSA’s Cinema Thursday to feature movie directed by Takashi Miike.

Every first and third Thursday of the month, the KZNSA Gallery lawn transforms into a picnic theatre with a selection of international art-house, classic, foreign, experimental and generally interesting films.

The goal of the KZNSA’s Cinema Thursday Picnic Screenings is to contribute to the development of a culture of film appreciation and filmmaking in Durban, and not for the financial gain of the organisers. However, there are running costs incurred by the Gallery, such as set-up costs, and the security guard, for which help would be welcome. A collection box will be passed around at the screenings for those who wish to contribute donations.

The next movie takes place on September 16 and is Audition directed in 1999 by Takashi Miike (Japan).

Shigeharu Aoyama, a middle-aged widower who lost his wife to an illness seven years prior, is urged by his 17-year-old son, Shigehiko, to begin dating women again. Aoyama's friend and colleague, Yoshikawa, a film producer, devises a plan to hold a mock-audition in which young, beautiful women would audition for the "part" of Aoyama's new wife, under the impression that they are auditioning for a new film, but actually so Aoyama can marry one of the contestants.

Described as “a truly terrifying film, neither the viewer nor Aoyama could possibly expect what horror this match-making exercise might unleash.” Age restriction 18 and definitely NOT for sensitive viewers.

Bring blankets, snacks and vino, and relive the era of the drive-in as the screen flickers under the starry sky. If the temperamental Durban weather threatens to rain on the parade, the screening will move inside to the tiered café seating.