KickstArt's production of Duet for One in association with Daphne Kuhn and the Old Mutual Theatre-on-the-Square in Johannesburg, where it first appeared earlier this year, has at last arrived at the Loft Theatre, Durban. This had been most eagerly awaited, considering the excellence of its two actors, Clare Mortimer and Michael Richard, and the past productions of KickstArt, especially after its critical and public acclaim in Johannesburg, often to standing ovations. It certainly did not disappoint and lived up to every expectation, indeed exceeding every one of them.
The play concerns a virtuoso violinist Stephanie Abrahams (Clare Mortimer) who has been struck with multiple sclerosis and her relationship with her psychiatrist Dr Alfred Feldman (Michael Richard). The point of reference for the story is indeed the life of famed cellist Jacqueline du Pré, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and her relationship with her husband, conductor Daniel Barenboim. This could imply that the play would be most depressing and heavy but this West End hit play by Tom Kempinski is anything but that. It is so well scripted with very funny lines that the result is absorbing and thought provoking theatre at its best.
This is very much due to the exceptional performances of Clare Mortimer and Michael Richard. Her performance in Wit would be very difficult to match and her Stephanie Abrahams might even surpass that previous role. Every nuance and body movement say volumes. Michael Richard's German accent is meticulously maintained and his performance is so well controlled that even his silent listening to Stephanie Abrahams' outpourings express volumes.
Johannesburg's Michael Richard is one of South Africa's leading stage actors in a career spanning 34 years and Durban audiences will remember him in Decadence and Pregnant Pause at the Witness Hilton Arts Festival last year. Durban's own Clare Mortimer has excelled in several phenomenal roles in the past, such as Maria Callas in Master Class, Vivian Bearing in Wit and Anna in Boston Marriage and has also impressed in KickstArt’s Memory of Water; Proof, Dracula, Dangerous Liaisons; Road to Mecca and Popcorn, among others. She has been awarded Best Actress or Best Supporting Actress at the Durban Theatre Awards for seven consecutive years and Steven Stead and Greg King have also been the recipients of multiple Durban Theatre Awards for their Direction and Set Design, respectively.
The box set by Greg King lives up to his high reputation with attention to every detail. Steven Stead can also always be relied upon for superb direction even to the details of the CD player switching off perfectly on cue. Full credit, too, to Tina le Roux for the lighting and the costumes by Margo Fleish add so much to the changing times and moods as the play progresses.
The play ultimately celebrates humanity and the human spirit and one leaves the theatre thinking and feeling all the better for the experience. Make every effort to see this astounding play and stunning performances which will be at the Playhouse Loft from September 7 to 12 at 19h30 Tuesday to Saturday and at 18h00 on Sunday with a Saturday matinee at 18h30. Tickets R100 (R80 pensioners/students) and seating is unreserved. Booking is at Computicket (0839158000) or www.computicket.co.za
Should you miss this opportunity, the play will then move to the Witness Hilton Arts Festival where it will have one performance on September 18. Booking is now open and festival programmes are available at selected Spar stores, bookshops, theatre foyers and tourism information offices. For more information visit www.hiltonfestival.co.za or phone 033 383 0126 / 7. - Maurice Kort