national Arts Festival Banner

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Their highly impressive brochure produced by the recently-launched classical music ensemble, Ancore, gives an idea of the style and elegance of the services they offer. They provide symphony music for weddings, entertaining light classical music for the reception as well as dance music and Broadway musical hits.

The initiative of enterprising and gifted violinist Ralitza Cherneva, Ancore also provides an “exceptionally unique event with a touch of Classical Brilliance” for corporate events such as the opening of business conferences or launches and other events.

Private Parties can enjoy two hours of “sparkling show programme from Baroque to Rock – from Bach to the Beatles” – the list even includes house warming parties and baby showers! In their attempt to bring top quality classical music to a wider audience, they also perform for lifestyle and sports events.

For information about Ancore’s wide ranging programmes, including a variety of fun theme concerts, contact 082 495 4236 or visit