Fun musical flight around the world in very well chosen songs, sung and danced by talented fabulously costumed cast. (Review by Maurice Kort)
Westville Theatre Club has once again compiled a very balanced musical evening in the form of a trip around the world visiting many countries by using their most memorable and hummable songs, often very typical of the various areas, but seldom predictable. The backing tracks are excellent, the sound again well handled by Kevin Hiller - as always not too overpowering, unlike so many professional venues. There is the occasional piano accompaniment by Heather Dix, the Musical Director.
It is an extremely full programme, with 44 musical numbers in the two halves, each requiring rapid costume changes, and there were many, all contributing much visual, and often humorous delight, thanks to Lynda Hoddinott for costumes and Kevin Hillier who designed the T-Shirts. Jill Sysum has once again contributed her considerable artistic talents to painting Shirley Emanuel's backdrop, an illustrated map of the world. Working equally hard backstage were Charles Forbes and Nicole Hoskins who kept the stage decorated with imaginative props from each of the countries visited, not forgetting Keith Vassard on lights. Full marks to Shirley Emanuel, the Director, for bringing all this together, a smaller cast than their usual productions but equally professional and entertaining.
It is superfluous to mention specific numbers from the song list as all are memorable, enjoyable and well performed but I particularly liked Gareth Moerdyk's King of the Road, O Solo Mio and Kingston Town; 9 Million Bicycles in Beijing and Sound of Music (Taryn Bowker); Holy City (Jerusalem) and New York New York by Devin Moller; Charles Grey's I Love Paris, Maybe It’s Because I’m a Londoner and Tulips from Amsterdam as well as Edelweiss (with Barbara McMilan); Tyron Cathey’s Donald Where's Yu Troosers? and Viva Las Vegas; Thank God I'm a Country Girl (Laura Lee); and Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Layle Henderson).
Other standouts were Barcelona by Sharon Ditchburn and Gareth Moerdyk, no mean feat; Sarah Joubert’s I Left My Heart in San Francisco and Ciao Ciao Bambino; And All That Jazz (Philisiwe Bhengu, Layle Henderson, Sharon Ditchburn); and Sharon Ditchburn’s How Can You Buy Killarney.
The versatile cast of 11 had to cope with considerable, often intricate, choreography, by Chantal Saunders, assisted by Devin Moller and Coeley van Doorn, which was no mean task and on the whole they handled the dancing well, some better than others, but all put their all into it and their efforts showed. No doubt some might have been nervous and will settle into the sequences. Their River Dance and Zorba the Greek were extremely commendable and a very stout efforts. The cast were very much kept on their toes (I couldn't resist that) the whole evening. The choreography and the dancing complemented the singing in every way and there are some very talented singers.
Fasten Your Seatbelts! can be seen at the Westville Theatre Club, Attercliffe Rd (next door to the Westville Swimming Pool), from November 30 to December 4. Bookings via Shirley on 031 266 8012 (between 08h30 and 13h00) or on 031 267 0682. Tickets are a most reasonable R40 - you get more than your money's worth - with doors opening at 19h00 (curtain up at 20h00) so bring your own picnic basket and drinks. There is a car guard on the premises. – Maurice Kort