An exhibition of recent work by Jutta Faulds, “Mandalas : Circles of Tranquility” will open at the Schreiner Gallery at the Tatham Art Gallery in Pietermaritzburg (opposite the Town Hall) on December 5.
The circle occurs in nature in the form of cells and many flowers, and on a more cosmic scale in the sun, moon and earth. It is no wonder then, that as a symbol it is regarded by many religions and cultures to represent peace, eternity and even the divine: it symbolises wholeness.
The works on this exhibition are intended as a dialogue between the maker and the viewer. Making art is essentially a lonely occupation, thus reaching out becomes part of the process.
The mandalas included here are constructed from mostly discarded materials, found objects, sometimes humble, sometimes precious, most have a history and form a significant part of personal and communal history.
Jutta Faulds is a fibre artist who enjoys mixed media. The pieces on this exhibition are all densely layered to hint at times past and hidden secrets. The circle has been a recurring theme in her work for many years and has now taken on a strong significance as a symbol and a focus for meditation. The therapeutic value of mandala making as well as mandala contemplation have long been recognised. Modern society tends to concentrate on achievement, it ignores the self in favour of the ego. Mandalas can be a good way of restoring the balance.
The exhibition will be opened by Kobus Moolman on December 5 at 11h00 and will run until January 16, 2011. The Tatham Art Gallery is situated opposite the Town Hall in Chief Albert Luthuli Street, Pietermaritzburg. More information on 033 392 2801.