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Friday, January 14, 2011


Bringing the Gender Story to Coaching/Counselling

In Chinese philosophy, the concept of yin yang describes how polar or seemingly contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other in turn. Opposites thus only exist in relation to each other.

Women and men ? Boys and girls? Feminine and masculine? Questions and more questions. How do we differ…how are we similar? are we socialised? Are there female and male brains - what does brain theory say? Who is the person beneath gender? What of Jung’s internal feminine/masculine - his anima/animus metaphor ?

In his story-shop to be presented in Durban, Dorian Haarhof considers and explores questions. “We turn them upside out and inside down,” he says. “We work in an experiential and interactive way as we consider individual and collective (corporate) stories. Come and explore the presence of words though stories that link the imagination of coach, counsellor, coachee and the one counselled. Experience how stories echo in the spaces in-between.”

Who should attend? All who engage with people around energy, relationship and change. All who wish to work consciously in their profession and personal life.

Dorian Haarhoff is a story-teller, writer and mentor. Passionate about developing innate creativity and imagination, he believes in the power of stories to create new realities. A former Professor of English (Namibia), he now runs Creative Workshops. His clients include corporates and development agencies such as UNICEF. His workshops are based on his texts, The Writer’s Voice. A Workbook for Writer’s in Africa and The Halo and the Noose, The Power of Story telling and Story listening in Business life (co-authored).

The story shop will take place on January 17 from 09h00 to 13h00. Cost R460 (*R260 deposit secures your place). The venue (still to be confirmed) through Cathy Yuill, 70 Hawthorne Dr Quail Valley, Mt Edgecombe venue. Deposits to Dr R D Haarhoff Standard Bank Curr acc. 0828 59 248 Helderberg Branch 033012 42