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Monday, April 18, 2011


The South African Writers' Circle is hosting a short story competition. The theme is open and the genre is short story (fiction only). The closing date is October 31, 2011.

The entry fee is R55 (R45 for members). For those wishing to receive a critique of their entry, an additional R10 is payable. More than one entry may be submitted, each with the prescribed fee/s.

First prize is R1,000, the Frances Bond trophy and your story published in the SAWC Newsletter Write Now! Second and third prizes are R500 and R250 respectively. Each of the five Highly Commended entries win a SAWC pen.

Each entry must be accompanied by an entry form. Further information and an entry form can be found at:

Entries may be posted to SAWC Annual Short Story Completion, Competitions Manager, South African Writers Circle, Box 2342, Westville, 3630; or George at