An exhibition of exquisite photographs by Dennis Guichard honouring architects Derek Crofton and Issy Benjamin (1955 – 1964), celebrating their work during a decade of mutual practice is running at the KZNSA Gallery.
The photographic essay entitled Regional Mid-century Modernism on the South African East Coast, shows the uniquely regional, yet strongly modernist-influenced nature of their buildings in and around Durban and Pietermaritzburg.
The exhibition coincides with the inauguration of Nina Saunders as president of the KwaZulu-Natal Institute for Architecture, where both Derek Crofton and Isaac (Issy) Benjamin will be honoured with awards for their service to architecture in the province, Crofton posthumously. Currently based in London, Issy Benjamin has been invited to Durban to receive the award personally at the exhibition opening.
The exhibition team includes Leon Conradie (Research); Dennis Guichard (Photography); Angela Shaw (Art Direction) and Stefan Mostert (Installation Design), ably assisted by Georgie Chennels at the KwaZulu-Natal Institute for Architecture.
“The work of Crofton and Benjamin seems to speak of a peculiarly Durban architectural character. It reflects the climate of the coast, is associated with a strong post-war growth period in Durban especially, and has an identifiably jazz-inspired, laid-back quality. Their buildings look like Cadillacs if you look closely – sleek lines, dynamic forms, crisp edges, wonderful textures,” explains exhibition researcher Leon Conradie.
Regional Mid-century Modernism on the South African East Coast: the work of Crofton and Benjamin Architects: 1955 – 1964 runs for a month. Anyone with questions or comments about their memories of the featured buildings can contact Leon Conradie on Conradiel@ukzn.ac.za