(Tony Bentel, Robert Whitehead and Mark Hawkins)
Adults only comedy cabaret sees return of Mark Hawkins and Ebrahim Medell to Durban.
“Grown men in pink tights, Merkins and lashings of coq……feathers? It must be the all-male, all-madness musical cult revueDoo Bee Boobies, which returns to whoop it up in Durban after a long absence. That’s right – this infamous cult favourite is returning to our stages to show all the young whippersnappers how true-blue comedy revues should be done. That is, with tongue firmly in (butt) cheek!” So says Mark Hawkins’ Very Very Big Productions which will present the grand comeback season... you have been warned….!
Screen and stage veteran Robert Whitehead will be reminding audiences that there’s more to him than villainous wheelings and dealings, and you can also see fellow soapie star Stephen van Niekerk (who has a worrying tendency to take his kit off on stage) in some tantalisingly compromising positions.
Singer, dancer, actor, musician and “notorious stripper” Tony Bentel will dazzle with his exhibitionist showbiz flair. And let’s not forget celebrated choreographer Hawkins – he of Fantastic Flying Fish Dance Company fame – who, together with dancer Ebrahim Medell, will be joining in the silliness while ensuring that the studs on stage don’t trip over their tutus.
The return season of Doo Bee Boobies will keep the best of the original show, while adding some new, hysterical and (so they tell us) death-defying acts to make it the most-must-see cult show of 2011.
“Grab some friends, leave the mother grundies at home and settle down for a riotously funny ride that sends up popular culture with a naughty wink,” adds Mark Hawkins.
Comments from the critics include:
Adrienne Sichel: “The Boobies are a lot of things but they are not your usual drag queens” (10 August 2010 Tonight) and “Old, Fat, Tired & Talented!....Boeps bourrée. Bare buttocks wobble. Waistlines sag…..No question: Doo Bee Boobies is the trashiest, tackiest, funniest show in town. Gotta love it” (11 August 2010 The Star)
Bruce Bennill: “There are images in this cabaret-style revue that no amount of scrubbing will ever erase from your brain… a monumentally rude show that confuses your face: your eyes don’t always want to look, but you can’t help smiling” ( 10 August 2010 The Citizen)
Robyn Sassen: “Doo Bee Boobies is considerably more than the sum of its parts… you will see in this mixed bag of spoofs, a generosity of collaborative energy, an understanding of performance culture from the inside out and a playfulness and irreverence that never slips into untidy thinking” and “It’s outrageously rude, but it’s also as funny as it gets and clean of moralising and message-bearing; it takes itself seriously and attest to the sheer skill of performance brilliance blended with roll-on-the-floor laughter” (13 August 2010 SA Jewish Report)
Neal McKenna: “Musical sketches range from zany to bizarre, to oh-my-gawd-they-can’t really-be-doing that….Everything is over the top, and they do tacky very, very well……The show is never a drag….Done well, toilet humour can be extremely funny” (15 August 2010 Sunday Independent)
Doo Bee Boobies runs from May 17 to 29 at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre. Booking is at Computicket.