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Monday, May 9, 2011


Universal Channel Weekly Highlights – week commencing May 9:

Fairly Legal - Season 1 of this brand new and exclusive drama can be seen on Tuesdays at 20h00. May 10 sees Episode 3 – Benched. Once again Judge Nicastro assigns Kate to mediate one of his cases. This one involves angry parents and a high school football coach's actions. Confused by the videotaped evidence, Kate seeks to find the real reason behind the coach's highly disputed training methods.

Law and Order Special Victims Unit features in Season 10 of Law & Order. Episode 3 –Swing on May 11 is at 20h00. When Elliot's daughter, Kathleen, breaks into a couple's home and steals a pendant he is forced to deal with ghosts from his past. Unfortunately, his missteps put Kathleen's future and mental health at risk, and it will take all of Olivia's skills to make things right.

Dirty Deeds premiers in the Saturday Movies slot on May 14 at 21h40. This is an action comedy starring John Goodman, Toni Colette and Sam Worthington. Sydney in 1969 was a place where crime was cool, cops were crooked and you could have a rocking night out for 20 bucks. Life is sweet for Barry, he runs the clubs and casinos and no-one dares stand in his way. But when the mafia dispatch two wide-boys to muscle in on his territory Barry’s life takes a dramatic turn. Enough is enough and he decides to show the mafia boys some good old fashioned outback hospitality.