Amazing Starts is an exhibition of artworks by students of the Durban University of Technology Fine Art and Jewellery Design department.
The department of Fine Art and Jewellery Design has introduced Work Integrated Learning (WIL) modules in all three years of the Diploma programme. These modules focus on theory and practice in relevant authentic, work-based contexts and range from exhibitions (First and Second years) to work placements (Third years).
In second year, the module focuses on creating, maintaining and enhancing a culture of entrepreneurship relevant, and related to, the making, pricing, marketing and exhibiting of a product in the form of two creative artifacts.
The paintings, prints and jewellery on exhibition were created during a two week module running under the guidance of lecturers Jan Jordaan and Themba Shibase (Fine Art) and Samantha Vincent (Jewellery Design).
The pricing and marketing of the artefacts was done under the guidance of lecturers from the department of Entrepreneurship and Management as part of the subject Communications 2, with the assistance of Fine Art and Jewellery lecturers and Technical support staff.
Amazing Starts runs until June 17. The DUT Art Gallery is situated above the library on the Steve Biko Campus in Mansfield Road. For more information contact the Curator, Nathi Gumede, on 031 373 2207 or 082 2200 368 or email: nkosinathig@dut.ac.za