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Friday, June 17, 2011


The National Department of Arts and Culture with the Provincial Departments will host a series of Community Conversations, with two events taking place on June 18. These will take place in Merebank and Pinetown and will be of specific benefit to minority groups.

“All across South Africa groups just like this one are coming together to focus on making this a better country for all,” explains the press release from DAC, “and in doing so we hope to allow people of diverse backgrounds to come together and discuss ways in which we can create a more united and productive country.

Additionally, and in keeping the end in mind, we want everyone to know that each conversation will be recorded for further discussion on a National level.”

Community Conversations take place from 09h00 to 13h00 at the Sri Parasakthee Temple in Merebank and from 14h00 to 16h00 at the Pinetown Civic Centre.