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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Jozi Book Fair invites writers and poets to participate in the third edition of the Jozi Book Fair, to be hosted at the Museum \Africa, Newtown, from August 6 to 8. The Fair provides writers, poets with a space to launch their book, read from their work and otherwise engage the public.

The Jozi Book Fair is organised by Khanya College to offer small and progressive writers and publishers a forum to showcase their publications and work; network, as well as the opportunity to develop alternative approaches and strategies for publishing. For further information, aims and other activities of Jozi Book Fair visit

Due to space and time constraints, all writers might not be accommodated. A selection process will allocate the limited stands.

All submissions must be accompanied by full contact details, a copy of ID and a letter of declaration stating that the submitted entry is the writer’s own original work. A brief description of the work to be read or launched, and a copy must be sent to Jozi Book Fair. Please note that works submitted cannot be returned to the authors.

All requests to participate to should be emailed to: