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Thursday, June 2, 2011


Liszt Inspired, the second instalment of music by Franz Liszt on the 200th anniversary of his birth in 1811 sees Christopher Duigan play a new selection of this supremely exciting composer’s music.

In this programme he includes selections from Liszt’s most extensive work - The Years of Pilgrimage. From Volume 2: Italy, he plays Sposalizio (Marriage of the Virgin: after a painting by Raphael), Il penseroso (The Thinker), after a statue by Michelangelo (not the one by Rodin), and Sonetto 47 del Petrarca (after Petrarch's Sonnet 47).

The popular and endearing Consolation No 6 and Mephisto Waltz, two of the composers’ must frequently performed compositions, the latter combining a substantial compositional structure, programmatic subtext and phenomenal virtuosity as inspired by the legend of Faust, together with Hungarian Rhapsodies nos 8 and 13, feisty concoctions which feature Liszt's dazzling technical display, complete the selection.

Liszt Inspired takes place on June 4 at 19h30 (R90 includes wine and coffee) and June 5 at 15h30 (R80 includes tea and coffee) at 35 Montgomery Drive, Pietermaritzburg. Booking essential on email: or on 033 342 3051. There is secure parking.