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Saturday, June 18, 2011


Nominations close on June 30 for prestigious awards.

The South African Institute for Advancement (Inyathelo) was established as a non-profit trust in October 2002 with two core mandates: to promote philanthropy in South Africa and to develop the capacity of institutions and non-profit organisations (NPOs) to achieve their objectives in a sustainable manner through the development of local advancement knowledge and practice. Inyathelo’s application of Advancement practice is based on an integrated and inclusive approach through which organisations, in partnership with key stakeholders and supporters, move together towards achieving long-term sustainability.

“Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example ... When it comes to philanthropy, youth and inexperience has often proven to be an asset in the pursuit of that which has not yet been done.”

“We are especially dedicated to encourage our next generation of philanthropy leaders in their initiatives,” said Gaby Ritchie, Inyathelo Programme Director. “The success of any philanthropic activity lies also in its inter-generational effect, and our young people are the dynamic catalysts of change on so many levels of society.”

The Inyathelo Award for Youth in Philanthropy is for a young person under the age of 35 who has pioneered creative ways of addressing development or social issues in his/her own community through direct financial support, development of giving programmes, and the cultivation of a young generation of philanthropic leaders.

There are many young philanthropists in South Africa who are engaging their communities to be the change that they want to see in South Africa. For example, the 2010 recipient of the Inyathelo Award for Youth in Philanthropy, Refiloe Seseane who has had lead roles in soap operas. She is completing her masters in Economics, has worked as a Business Analyst for Allan Grey and BoE, but she has given up these potentially lucrative careers to found and direct 18twenty8, an NPO empowering young women.

“The award was proof of their endorsement of, not only me, but of 18twenty8 and it has bolstered our fledgling organisation’s credibility,” said Sesane. “The positive publicity that ensued from the award also did wonders for our public profile,” she added.

The Inyathelo Philanthropy Awards were established in 2007 to acknowledge, celebrate and profile the full spectrum of diversity in South African philanthropic giving. Inyathelo believes that by highlighting the achievements of the Awardees and showcasing innovation and best practice in philanthropy, others will be inspired and encouraged to make their own contribution.

Nominations for the arts category (as well as the other categories) close on June 30. For full details on the Awards and nomination process, go to

Other awards categories include Philanthropy in the Arts, Community Philanthropy, Family Philanthropy, Support of Philanthropy in the Media, Lifetime Philanthropy, International Philanthropy to South Africa and Philanthropy in Health.