Rage!, a lively original two-hander production about post-matric mayhem, written and directed by Catherine Mace, comes to the Seabrooke’s Theatre on the Durban High School (DHS) campus from June 14 for a short season.
Catherine Mace wanted to create a vehicle for two talented and dynamic performers, Willem Nieman and Byron Langley (Simon in the Spud movie). “It's a fun romp filled with youthful silliness and a few reality bites!” she explains. “One for the young and the young at heart!”
Join adventurers Willem and Byron on their quest for the big end of year jorl. The scene is the Engen in Plettenberg Bay, two o‘clock on a Tuesday morning! No plans, no food ... one scratchy blanket and a thousand dreams of what matric Rage will hold! Girls, beer and ...?
This comedic look at the fun, frenzy and facts of Rage! promises to have audiences laughing with joy and leave them asking ... what just happened?! “.We'd like to tell you,” says Catherine, “but ... What happens at Rage, stays at Rage!"
Rage runs at Seabrooke's Theatre (DHS) from June 14 to 25 at 19h00. Tickets R60 (R30 pensioners) booked by contacting 031 277 1570 or e-mailing seabrooke’s@durbanhighschool.co.za Seating is unreserved.