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Sunday, June 26, 2011


The Rising Star Performing Arts Academy is to present a Holiday Workshop, the RU the NXT Rising Star? Talent Search and auditions for the 2011 Youth Theatre Production,Galaxy Rock!.

The Holiday Workshop offers young people a chance to be a Rising Star during the holidays and perform in their own play with masks, mime, acting and lots more. Day One focuses on miming, acting and games while Day Two is set aside for mask-making and stories. Day Three puts it all together! Using masks made, stories learnt and skills developed, each child will perform in a short play for parents on the last day!

The workshop runs from July 5 to 7 with Junior Stars (ages 5 to 9) from 09h00 to 12h00 and Senior Stars (ages 10 to 16) from 13h00 to 17h00.

RU the NXT Rising Star? Talent Search runs in conjunction with Rising Star Performing Arts Academy and City View Shopping Centre. Youngsters aged between 10 to 18 years who think they have what it takes to be a Rising Star, should step up to the challenge and attend the audition on July 13 at the City View Shopping Mall (Old Game City) 10 Mathews Meyiwa Road (Stamfordhill Rd), Action Cricket Arena Audition. The auditions run from 11h00 to 13h00.

Youth Theatre Auditions will be held on July 16 for the Youth Theatre Production Galaxy Rock!, an original rock musical performed for the first time on the Durban stage. Auditions open to all students Grade 5 - Grade 11. Auditions will be held at Westville Theatre Club, Attercliffe Road, Westville between 13h00 and 16h00.

More information from the Rising Star Performing Arts Academy on 083 326 3257, fax 086 647 6428, email or visit