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Friday, July 1, 2011


The Mondays at Seven programme at St Clement’s on July 4 will present An Evening With Herman Charles Bosman.

Bosman was sent as a novice teacher to the Marico District in what was then the Western Transvaal. There he encountered the spellbinding storytellers that he was later to immortalise in his Oom Schalk Lourens stories.

His spell in the Marico was cut short when, on a return home during the July holidays, he became involved in an argument with his step-brother and shot and killed him. Convicted of murder, he was initially sentenced to hang, but this sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment and he was eventually released after four years. He embarked on a career as a journalist and began writing his Oom Schalk Lourens stories. They were eventually to number 60 in all, and are undoubtedly his best-known and best-loved works.

Pieter Scholtz reads two stories: Veld Maiden and In The Withaak’s Shade. Pat Smythe (aka Spyker Koekoemoer) reads two stories: Madness and Birth Certificate from the Cold Stone Jug.

St Clements is situated at 191 Musgrave Road on the righthand side a short way down Musgrave after the St Thomas Road intersection. Mondays at Seven run between 19h00 and 20h00. Booking is advised on 031 202 2511.