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Sunday, July 3, 2011


Production leaves a warped perception about love. (Review by Lyschelle Linderboom)

Tshwane University of Technology's Cleansed confronted the audience, leaving us with a warped perception of love and all its fringes.

It’s a story of a sister in search of her lost brother and explores what a lover is truthfully willing to sacrifice for another. A sadistic character tinker played convincingly by Morne Steyn drives characters to endure extreme measures of pain in search for the power of love. Tinker portrays the translation of society as somewhat of a puppet master. The play deals with some serious topics in a refreshing and in-your-face kind of way to evoke true emotions from an audience.

Cleansed deals with extreme pain and sacrifice for love, the dark gloomy feel of the play and underscoring evoke a sense of suspense and fear, which then leaves you with a great deal of happiness, relief and a cleared vision to situations.

It was a strong performance that one can look forward to watching, it has a great deal of honesty and vulnerability that one will appreciate! Direction was successful in all endeavours with a strong talented cast baking!

Not much needed to be said about the style and approach which tortured the audience with hints of theatre of cruelty, it is blatantly aggressive and hard to ignore. The extremism of the language and images shocks the audience leaving us very unsettled. This is one student production that is not to be missed! – Lyschelle Linderboom