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Friday, July 8, 2011


Still not sure what the taste is. (Review by Sifiso Sikhakhane)

Debbie Robertson in collaboration with the cast presented Rhodes University’s Taste, which formed part of this year’s Student Theatre programme. The posters were delicious, the programmes ... mind-blowing! However, I am still not sure what the taste is.

Don’t get me wrong. I believe Robertson’s direction is wonderful, her cast is talented and that made the piece a pleasure to watch. However, I still feel as if the performers were not challenged enough and there was plenty of room for growth. For the first couple of minutes, I just felt as if the energy was not there, but of course it then began to pick up and I was in stitches with the rest of the crowd.

I feel as if Robertson used a very nice concept even though the piece did remain ‘over the top’, with the tension not building as I had expected it to. That is definitely not a negative thing. Perhaps that is what the director was going for? Light humorous death?

I must compliment her on her beautiful lighting design as well as the chorus work she did with the cast.

For a student theatre production, the piece was professionally done. Robertson and the cast certainly did a great job. While I still feel as if I wanted a bit more of the taste, the little I got was satisfying. – Sifiso Sikhakhane