The One Heart Durban Theatre festival is an exciting new arts festival that will take place from October 28 to 30, 2011, in the Drama Department at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
Festival organizers Janna Ramos-Violante and Lauren Wallet are extremely excited about putting together an exciting weekend of cultural festivities, encouraging Durban artists to create new, original plays. The festival aims to bring new theatre works onto Durban stages and offer an experience that Durbanites are sure to enjoy!
The Malva Market will be at the festival with stalls of beautiful pieces on sale for shoppers delight including delicious eats and live music.
The festival is calling for new scripts to be put forward to a panel, eight of which will be chosen to showcase at the festival. The piece must be an original work and scripts must be sent to
The cut-off date for script submission is September 3, 2011.