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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Tribute from Dave Magner, Head Master Durban High School

The DHS Community was shocked and saddened by the tragic death of Shaun Gray on 21 August. Although Shaun had been in hospital for some time, we had seen improvements after the initial stroke, and we were all shocked when he returned to ICU a few weeks ago.

Shaun had been on the staff for almost ten years, and had definitely become one of the characters. Blessed with an excellent sense of humour, Shaun could see the funny side of pretty much anything. I know he used to entertain the boys enormously in his Drama and English classes, and he was a source of great mirth in the staffroom. Underneath the happy go lucky exterior, however, lay a bright and empathetic individual. He loved a good argument, and displayed a sharp intellect when he wanted to. He was in charge of the prefects for some years, and approached this task with great responsibility and commitment.

His wife Menoli Gounden has been on the staff for over ten years, and is a much loved and respected educator. Our hearts go out to her in this tragic time. I hope that the warmth and comfort you receive will go some way to alleviate the enormous pain you must be feeling right now.

The school has lost a fine man, a vibrant educator and a great friend. Go well my friend. - Dave Magner

Later notice: The Memorial Service will take place on Thursday, August 25 at 10h30 at Penzance Primary Conference Centre.