Krishna Leela celebrates in Bharat Natyam the playful pranks of one of Hinduism’s most revered deities, Lord Krishna. The production is part of Natya Ananda's outreach programme, giving dancers an opportunity to learn, experience and perform the ancient dance art of Bharata Natyam.
The company is made up of seven artists from Port Elizabeth and six from Durban who also bring in classical ballet, drama, music and poetry to tell this compelling tale drawn from the potent verses of the Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavat Gita. Lord Krishna’s leelas unfold through the love and devotion of His Gopis. They showcase the true purpose of the appearance of Krishna, the different types of relationships devotees have with the Lord and the ultimate message of complete surrender.
The production starts off in Port Elizabeth on September 24 and 25 before coming to the iZulu Theatre at Sibaya on October 7 at 19h00 and October 9 at 15h00. Booking is at Computicket.