national Arts Festival Banner

Saturday, September 10, 2011


PANSA KZN will be hosting the third Musho! International Theatre Festival from January 11 to 15, 2012, in Durban. The festival is dedicated to these small works and the celebration of the skill of the solo or duo performers.

Proposals are called for the 2012 Festival and must be received by September 15, 2011. These will be looked at by a selection committee of local theatre professionals, for selection to appear at Musho!

Selection criteria for the festival: The work must have only one or two persons performing and should be an innovative and interesting concept. It should have potential appeal for local audiences and be classifiable as “theatre” (with a discernable narrative). The company or individual should have a good track-record and reputation. The work should not have played in Durban in the past and must be 50 to 70 minutes in length.

Participants are paid for their participation in the festival. The amount paid per performance will be confirmed at a later date, and is subject to the funding that PANSA receives.

Contracts will be drawn up between the artists and the festival once selection and confirmation procedures have been concluded, in October 2011.

Proposal application must contain the following information, with the correctly numbered order:

1. Name of producer / contact person. 2. Contact address, telephone number and email. 3. Name of show. 4. Genre of show (eg. drama, comedy, physical theatre, musical theatre etc) 5. Appropriate audience and age-group. 6. Exciting description of the show (maximum ½ page) – no scripts please! 7. Description of technical requirements for the show. 8. Names of performers / directors / writers of the show. 9. Background and experience of the group (maximum ½ page)

Additional information required: Details on where show has been performed previously (if any); press reviews from show (if any), and press releases and publicity statements for the show (if any)

Proposals must be submitted by September 15, 2011, and emailed to