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Saturday, September 10, 2011


September 15 sees the world premiere of Ashwin Singh’s new work, Reoca Light which was recently short-listed in the African Playwright project by the National Theatre Studio in the UK.

Making his debut at the Catalina Theatre is dynamic Capetonian, Thiru Naidoo, seen recently in productions such as The Coolie Odyssey and The Lahnee’s Pleasure. In early 2010, he played the lead Palestinian terrorist in a British docudrama for Discovery Channel, titled Taking Pan Am Flight 73. Thiru is also featured in numerous short films locally.

This is the fifth play that Catalina UnLtd mounts from Ashwin Singh having previously staged To House, Spice ‘n Stuff, Shooting and the Looney Larney Show. Singh is quickly becoming one of Durban’s established playwrights and has seen his work exposed in Johannesburg and at the National Arts Festival this year.

Directed and designed by Themi Venturas Reoca Light runs at Catalina Theatre in Wilson’s Wharf from September 15 to 25. Tickets R75 (R50 pensioners and students) booked on 031 305 6889.