Baroque 2000's next concert is on October 30 and features as soloists three of the most talented young musicians of KZN.
Warren Vernon-Driscoll, tenor, will sing one aria from Handel's Acis and Galatea, and one from Bach's Magnificat. Samantha Goldblatt will play Vivaldi's Concerto for Sopranino (soprano recorder) RV 443, and the same composer's Summer, from the Four Seasons, will be performed by William Chin (violin). A Concerto Grosso by Corelli is also on the programme.
The concert takes place at 15h00 on October 30 at the Church of the Monastery, Mariannhill. Doors open at 14h30. Tickets R90 and there is plenty of safe parking. Enquiries to Michel at sursouth@iafrica.com or on 031 312 5539.