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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Dance Forum invites applications from choreographers who have created at least two to three works for inclusion in the Young Choreographers Residency programme. This will take place during Dance Umbrella 2012, from February 22 to March 3, 2012.

The project has been funded by the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund.

Alfred Hinkel, former Director of JAZZART Dance Theatre will drive the Residency programme and Master classes will be given by internationally renowned choreographers such as Vincent Mantsoe.

Dance Forum’s primary objective is to discover and nurture young dance practitioners. The inaugural choreographic residency was held in February and March 2003 as part of the Dance Umbrella festival. Since then Dance Forum has continued to provide innovative and exciting platforms for the artistic development of young dance-makers.

The national significance of this skills transmission and networking is apparent in the resultant impact that these residencies have had on the burgeoning young dance practitioners of the last decade.

While South Africa can boast a host of well-trained and talented dancers, sadly, there is a less than impressive number of innovative and forward thinking choreographers to feed a thriving dance theatre industry.

The national Dance Umbrella Residency programme will offer up to 10 young and talented choreographers the opportunity to work together in Johannesburg during Dance Umbrella 2012. Participants will be selected from at least four different provinces. The programme will place choreographers in residence for 10 days so that they can focus intensely on their learning programme. It will also create a challenging and exciting learning programme of choreographic workshops, technique classes, seminars/debates, arts management, design and lighting for dance. Participants will watch and critique Dance Umbrella performances.

The Forum will open selected classes and workshops to the general public and international programmers as well as set up a national network for young choreographers

Those interested in being part of the residency are requested to write a clear motivation giving reasons why they wish to participate; background information on what they have done over the past two to five years as a choreographer. Up to ten applicants can be accepted onto the programme. Applicants living outside of Johannesburg will receive assistance with flights, accommodation and local transport in the city.

The closing date for applications is January 13, 2012.

Motivations should be sent via e-mail to or by fax to 011 492 2030.