A Benjamin Benefit event in aid of the Inkanyezi crèche will take place at The Benjamin Boutique Hotel on December 10.
Gorgeous handmade bracelets by BouBou designs by Bev and chocolate treats by Dolce Chocolate are some of the upmarket selections on offer for Christmas gifting. Popular Durban band, New Hysteria, will perform acoustic sets for patrons’ listening pleasure!
The entrance fee, together with the contribution made by the stallholders, will be donated to the Inkanyezi Crèche in the township of Jamacia (behind the Pavilion Shopping Centre). This was started by the Westville Presbyterian Church two years ago and now accommodates 50 children.
The Christmas Market takes place from 11h00 to 16h00 on December 10. Teas/coffees and delicious nibbles available. Entrance fee R20. The Benjamin Boutique Hotel is situated at 141 Florida Road, Durban, and there is ample safe parking. More information from The Benjamin on 031 303 4233 or contact Market Co-ordinator Ariel on ariel@benjamin.co.za