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Sunday, December 4, 2011


(The cover of the book)

Well-known actor, director and writer Professor Pieter Scholtz will launch his new novel on December 12. The Tree Whisperer is an autobiographical fantasy where the author in the story and the author of the story are one and the same person.

Scholtz writes in the preface: “The inspiration for this story arose from some abiding memories, including: a gnarled fig tree in the garden of the house in Eshowe where I spent my childhood. I experienced many magical moments in the forks and hollows of that tree. My annual visit to the Buddhist Retreat Centre near Ixopo, where I renew my acquaintance with a very special yellowwood tree. The boardwalk over the Dlinza forest in Eshowe which lends me God's eye view of the trees."

Angel is unusual not only for her habit of adopting different names to suit different people, she is also the 'tree whisperer' of the title.

The story is about how the author and Angel share a journey of discovery. Angel helps the author travel beyond the familiar world of fantasy which is peopled with his creations, to a world where he touches the pain and anguish of others. He discovers that the real world has many dimensions like his fantasy world, and that here really is no definitive reality.

The author helps Angel revisit the scenes of her childhood and discover how her affinity with trees was born. He also enables Angel to come to terms with the dark secret of her childhood which she has concealed from herself and from others.

The Tree Whisperer is published by Bookshop & Horus Publications.