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Tuesday, January 3, 2012


(Bheki Khabela and Bhekani Shablala)

The Pansa KZN - MUSHO festival of one – two person theatre will run at Catalina Theatre from January 11 to 15 with its usual exciting line-up of new productions. Kicking off the festival will be The Horseshoe on January 11.

Performed by Bheki Khabela and Bhekani Shablala, and created with Sduduzo Kawula. The moving story of two young men who make the difficult decision to leave their families and go into exile. After they reach the border, they realise that things are not what they seem and the struggle is almost over. When they return home, their paths diverge and while one man seems to fall into a life of luck, the other is left wondering what passed him by. "Passionate, energetic delivery of a poignant story" Cue. (Duration 55 minutes) Age 14 and up.

The Horseshoe takes place on January 11 at 20h00.

All Musho Festival performances are at the Catalina Theatre. Tickets for all shows R50 (R30 PANSA paid-up members as well as OAPS and children under 12). Special R100/day all-day ticket on Saturday and Sunday. Contact Catalina Theatre on 031 305 6889

For more information, and daily reviews, see the Musho website on