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Thursday, January 19, 2012


The next event at the Phuzamoya Dream Centre takes place on January 28.

The presentation will include a very interesting audiotape, One Two Man, by Robert Johnson. It is an appropriate follow-up to Deon van Zyl’s presentation on the clown archetype, which, as Deon wrote in a subsequent email, “compels people to look at the truth that they don’t want to face. If people are full of their own importance, like kings, then the jester brings the opposite view and if done correctly, keeps the king humble and serving his people. Sometimes the more extreme and one-sided we are and the more blown up with our own importance, the more extreme the opposite will manifest. An over-inflated ruler might even be killed (e.g. Gaddafi and what’s happening in the Middle East). That is then more the trickster at play, bringing balance back in extreme ways, rather than the clown, attempting to do it through humour and laughter.”

“The clown also has the quality of flexibility and adaptability, very necessary for survival,” van Zyl continues. “The true clown is very aware of the present moment and what is required by it as the best response for survival. If one is stuck in a particular pattern and imposes that pattern on all situations, then you become inflexible and actually weak. The clown brings the suppleness required for maximum survival, adaptability and wholeness. The clown brings feelings of importance and cleverness into situations where it is required, and feelings of unimportance (humbleness) and “stupidity” (not knowing, or openness to learn) into other situations where necessary.” Van Zyl ends with the hope that we can all laugh a bit throughout this playful process.

One Two Man is a seemingly simple Native American story that tells the story of a young boy becoming a man. Robert Johnson reveals this to be a fascinating story of the rites of passage we all need to engage with in our transformation and often painful journey to wholeness and individuation.

The event takes place at 14h30 on January 28 at the Phuzamoya Dream Centre at the Players’ farm. Cost R50 includes tea/coffee and eats. RSVP for catering purposes by January 26 to Sheila Berry or 082 295 7328 or email:

Directions to Phuzamoya: Take N3. From coast/east (Durban/PMB) take Exit 99 – Howick south/Underberg. Proceed through Merrivale village to Howick, past Pick ‘n Pay Centre on right and over uMngeni Riverbridge. At third traffic lights (3-way junction) turn right on road to Karkloof. (See below**)
From inland/west (Mooi River) take exit 107 (Tweedie/Howick) and proceed to Howick. At third traffic light (3-way junction) turn left to Karkloof. (See below **)
** Proceed for 18 kms, turn left at Phuzamoya and Glassworks & Edwaleni signs (600m after Canopy Tours turnoff). Travel along a gravel farm road for 1km. Take the left fork then keep straight through the main entrance to the farm with its stone pillars. Park on the lawn in front of the main farmhouse.