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Friday, January 13, 2012


A Valentine’s fundraiser will be held for the Baby House in Westville. This valuable establishment was burgled over Christmas and all of the electronic equipment, including the microwave which is used to heat up the babies' food, was stolen. They are in desperate need of assistance and any support would be very welcome.

With its mission to prevent the abandoned baby of today become the street child of tomorrow, the Baby House Westville endeavours to place all children in loving families where they can develop a sense of belonging. They provide a sanctuary to children from birth to two years, with the various satellites housing over 60 children.

The Baby House Westville will host a fundraising Valentine’s Wine Tasting and Fashion Display on the February 10 at T-Zone in Botha’s Hill and will feature a number of special sponsored giveaways. These include a tissue oil pack from Justine, a family photo shoot from Kelly’s Photography, a health and beauty treatment from Jacqui’s Beauty Clinic, an original piece of art, a lingerie set from Satin Candy and bottles of wine. The event sponsors are Heritage Wine and Liquor, Satin Candy, Justine, Kelly’s Photography, Sica’s Guesthouse, Cool Jam Entertainment and T-Zone. Tickets are R250 per couple.

The fundraiser takes place on February 10 from 18h30 to 20h00 at T-Zone, 36 Old Main Road, Botha’s Hill. Cost: R250 per couple. More information from Bronwyn van Wyk on 072 725 1017 or email: