Friends of Music will present a recital by Brazilian pianist Christina Ortiz on February 7.
Due to her natural musicality, masterful craftsmanship and commitment to refined playing, she has been ensured a place among the most respected pianists in the world. Her programme includes Mozart’s Fantasie in D Minor K397; Mendelssohn’s Variations Serieuses Op.54; Chopin’s 4 Etudes Op 25 (1.5.7 and 12) and Brahms 5 Intermezzi from Op. 117. 118 & 119. Also to be performed will be Mozart’s Camargo Guarnieri 2 Ponteios Nos 24 & 30 and two works by Villa-Lobos: Valsa da Dor and Festa no Sertao
The concert will take place at 19h45 on February 7 at the Durban Jewish Centre, 44 Old Fort Road (K.E. Masinga Road), Durban. There is safe parking. Tickets R70 (R60 FOM members/R20 Orchestral & Students) booked at Computicket.