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Wednesday, February 1, 2012


The Visual Arts Network of South Africa (VANSA) will present The Writers Workshop on February 18 and 19 at The Collective.

It will be run by Peter Machen who is one of South Africa's leading arts writers. Multi-talented Machen is also a layout artist and publication designer, photographer and editor. He has written for the Weekend Witness, Independent on Saturday, Sawubona, Metrobeat, and various other publications and websites. He has produced a range of publications for numerous clients, including the British Council, eThekwini Municipality and the KZNSA Gallery. He also regularly exhibits his work in photographic exhibitions.

This workshop is designed for young upcoming artists in the industry, art students and arts graduates who are searching for their path within the creative industry. Established artists are welcome as well.

The workshop focuses on article writing, proposals, artist statements, motivational letters and branding (business cards, letterheads etc). It will be divided into two consecutive days, the first day is the introduction of the fundamentals of article writing, proposal and motivational/application letter, giving the participants the task of drafting these documents.

The second day focuses on peer evaluation. Participants will site one of the three drafts just to check if they utilised all the fundamentals of writing and their different approach and Peter will assist in editing where necessary. After lunch, the workshop moves on to artists’ statements and branding.

Booking closes on February 17, 2012. Fee R150 (R70 for VANSA members)

Booking is only confirmed by payment, payments should be made to VANSA, ideally through EFT. Kindly forward proof of payment to

For more information and banking details, contact Thembeka Teekay Ngcemu (VANSA KZN Administrator) on 073 469 6407 or 031 303 4891, email: or visit