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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The next meeting of the Live Poets society (LiPS) will take place on April 4.

“Sometimes it is necessary to make diversions from our normal routine so long as it meets with the philosophy of what LiPS is striving for, and does not compromise the object of Poetry, because LiPS is all about poetry and poets coming together to share their love of Poetry,” says convenor, Danny Naicker.

Nikki Kirby, Guest Poet for April 4, is unable to attend the LiPS April meeting due to unforeseen circumstances. With insufficient time to find another Guest poet to take her place, another plan had to be adopted.

Members will read a couple of their favourite poems written by other poets (as well as their own). Tapes and CDs will be played of poems recited by famous poets from the collection of LiPS founder, Brett Beiles.

“The theme for the evening is to honour Humans Rights and Freedom,” explained Naicker, “So let our poetry talk about these important fundamental rights that we immortalize as public holidays respectively in March and April.”

The LiPS meeting will take place on April 4 at 17h30 for 18h00 at the Point Yacht Club, Victoria Embankment, Durban, and admission is free. More information from Danny Naicker on 083 282 0865 or email: