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Sunday, April 29, 2012


Eureka Productions presents Life In Poetry: Poetry In Life!, making English and Drama accessible through an interactive performance workshop making poetry come to life.

The project takes learners into the world of poetry analysis and understanding in this fun and dynamic manner. Incorporating poems on the matric poetry list and AP English requirements such as:

When I consider how my life is spent (Milton)
Ozymandias of Egypt (Shelley)
When I do count the clock that tells the time (Shakespeare)
To his Coy Mistress (Marvel)
Anthem for a Doomed Youth (Owen)
may I feel said he (ee Cummings)
Do not go gentle into that good night (Thomas)
Constantly Risking Absurdity and Death (Ferlinghetti)

The performance workshop will equip senior students with the skills to analyse and understand poetry. Bookings available from May 14, 2012. Cost R2,500 per performance (maximum 100 pupils). The first 20 bookings will enjoy a 10% discount! The production lasts 50 minutes.

Bookings through Sue Clarence Promotions on 082 882 9869 or fax 086 627 2657 or email: