The Visual Arts Network of South Africa has noted with concern the evolving controversy around Brett Murray's artwork The Spear:
“We acknowledge both the diversity of viewpoint and depth of feeling that this situation has elicited, among both our members, and the wider South African society. In this context, rather than taking a 'position' on this issue, we feel that the present situation should give all parties pause for thought and reflection.
At the same time, we also note with alarm both the reported threats of physical violence directed at the artist and the gallery concerned, and the various acts of violence surrounding the defacement of the artwork in question. We call on leadership across the arts, civil society and government to actively discourage and condemn threatened actions that would indisputably violate the laws of our country and have the most distressing consequences both for the parties involved, and our body politic more generally.”
For more information on the Visual Arts Network of South Africa, visit