The show aims to unite dancers annually to perform in a grand performance in order to raise funds for the mass sterilisation of dogs in underprivileged areas. The Cape Town event, held in May this year managed to raise in excess of R100,000.
Brigitte Reeve- Taylor, the founder of this organisation has challenged each province to hold their own show and prevent more and more puppies being born into poverty-stricken areas!
The date set for the Playhouse is September 12 but the theatre hire for the night is R9,000 so the Non Profit Organisation is trying to raise funds to cover this cost.
Anyone interested in making a donation, should contact Leigh Meyer on 071 381 7642, Des van der Spuy on 082 563 1995, or the founder Brigitte Reeve Taylor on 082 707 1110. Alternatively email leighmeyer@gmail.com
For more information visit www.dancerslovedogs.weebly.com