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Friday, July 20, 2012


Presented by the Embassy of Switzerland in South Africa, through the Alliance Francaise, Baroque 2000 will give a performance of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Le Devin du Village, a Intermezzo in one act / Intermède en un acte 65.

In Switzerland and abroad, many activities are being set up for the 300th anniversary of Rousseau's birth in Geneva. In South Africa, the Tour of Le Devin du Village, in connection with the "fêtes de la francophonie", is fully part of them. The philosophist and essayist was also a musician, and gained success with his Devin. It was intended as a demonstration of the superiority of the "Italian" style of opera over the French music at the time.

Baroque 2000 is a well-established chamber orchestra based in Durban specializing in Baroque Music. The ensemble was founded in 1998 and is formed by professional musicians mainly from the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra.

Le Devin du Village will be performed on July 26 at 20h00 at ICC Durban. Entrance is free.