Mandela - In Celebration of a Great Life by Charlene Smith is an update of the version first published in 1999. It records the life and work of South Africa’s first democratically elected President, Nelson Mandela. It traces his birth and early years in rural Eastern Cape, his move to Johannesburg as a young man and his political evolution with the ANC, the ANC Youth League (ANCYL) and Umkhonto we Sizwe, the ANC armed wing.
The details of his two failed marriages are documented as well as the happiness he has eventually found with marriage to Graça Machel on his 80th birthday.
The grim years of his incarceration on Robben Island are described followed by his release and the traumatic years of negotiation and violence which ultimately led to the first democratic elections in South Africa in April 1994.
The book then outlines Mandela’s years as the first black President of the country and how he became an inspiration for millions of people worldwide and a respected and beloved international statesman.
While essentially about Nelson Mandela, this book falls short of being a comprehensive chronological story of his life. His early years are dealt with only briefly and far more attention is paid to his involvement with the ANC, and the political situation in South Africa at the time as well as the many people who influenced his life. In fact, it could serve as broad history of the ANC and the transformation which took place in this country.
Presented as a coffee table publication, the book is notable for the abundance of outstanding photographs. In both colour and black and white, many are the work of the brave and legendary photographers of the time. This collection in itself could serve as an important photographic record of the period in South Africa’s history.
Charlene Smith is a South African born writer who is now based in the USA. She is the author of 14 books including the highly acclaimed Robben Island. Her credentials to tell this story are beyond doubt as she served as a political journalist and activist throughout the transformation years in South Africa. During this time she met and interviewed many of the leaders of the era, such as FW De Klerk, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, IFP leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi and, on several occasions, Nelson Mandela himself.
Her love and admiration for Mandela is obvious and shines through her writing. She shows deep insight into his character although she is not afraid to criticise his actions when justified. The material is well researched and her writing style makes for easy reading despite the seriousness of the subject matter.
Published by Struik, Mandela: In Celebration of a Great Life is in hardcover with dustjacket and retails at R295. ISBN 9781431700790 – Keith Millar