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Thursday, September 13, 2012


The Memorial Order of the Tin Hats (MOTH) hall which is the home to the Rhumbelow Theatre was opened in 1929 and has always served as a venue for social gathering and entertainment for the community.

This use of the hall was further developed in 2001 when the entertainment group, The Family Players, launched the Rhumbelow Theatre at this rustic and informal location in the Durban suburb of Umbilo. Since then, the theatre has presented numerous productions of high quality which have kept the people of Durban marvellously entertained.

With a history like that, it is an apt venue for Al Prodgers and Warren Robertson to present combined talent to Durban audiences for the first time. Among their reasons for their coming to Durban was to meet new audiences and experience some good weather. Well, on Friday night the weather may have disappointed, but the “meeting” went very well and they had the near-capacity audience in stitches.

The first half featured Warren Robertson. He is relatively new to the Comedy circuit having started in 2006. But what a fine addition he is. It was John Vilsmas who gave him his first opportunity on stage and he has developed as an entertainer since then. The legendry South African comic Mel Miller says that he is probably the smartest and funniest young comedian in the country today. He did not disappoint on Friday night and kept the audience highly amused while he told many very funny stories about his girlfriend and his life in general.

After interval it was the turn of Al Prodgers. Al is one of the most experienced corporate entertainers, emcees and stand-up comedians in the country. And this experience shows. He is a warm engaging character and has an excellent rapport with audience. His wry observations about anything and everything as well as his quirky sense humour provided wonderful entertainment. Al Prodgers is a very funny man, indeed.

What didn’t work too well was their two sessions of improvised interaction with the audience. The first idea was for the audience to provide random names and locations. They then improvised the last words said by the people, or at the locations. The second session was similar but using props provided by the audience. Possibly the material provided was not the best, but both these efforts fell a little flat.

However, overall it was an entertaining and very funny show. Welcome to Durban Al and Warren. I certainly enjoyed your visit – as did the audience. Hope you come again soon. – Keith Millar