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Thursday, September 20, 2012



Written and performed by iainEWOKrobinson, Seriously? forms part of the Expressions Sessions Festival hosted in collaboration with the Drama and Performance Studies Programme (University of KwaZulu-Natal – Howard College Campus), Life Check and Celebrate Durban.

Directed by Karen Melissa Logan, Seriously? has already had two sell-out seasons at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown and a very short but sold-out run as part of the New Stages at the Playhouse. This season marks a welcome return of a masterfully crafted and deeply personal spoken word encounter with self and the world,.

Seriously? is a show about finding your own space, finding your own place, discovering individuality and then showing others how to do the same. Rooted in a tell-tale narrative of a white boy growing up in 80s KZN and finding that he doesn’t quite fit in till he stumbles upon ‘The Universal Zulu Nation’; and then all hell breaks loose! It is about calling for the creation of a society that thrives on individual expression and creativity.

Director Karen Logan includes her live video mixing as part of the visual flavour of this spoken word classic.
Seriously? runs from September 27 to 29 at 19h30 with a further performance on September 30 at 15h00. Book at Computicket