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Friday, September 21, 2012


Talking Hands, the First Deaf Theatre Festival of South Africa takes place from September 25 to 30.

Catalina UnLtd proudly presents its first Deaf Theatre Festival of South Africa to promote Deaf Awareness Month (National Month of Deaf people in South Africa: September 1-30, 2012) and its theme <em>Accessibility, Freedom of Expression and Opinion, and Access to Information</em>. It also promotes public awareness of the potentials of Deaf people.

 The festival is the first ever Deaf Theatre festival in South Africa and it is envisaged that it will become an annual event so that this important dialogue can continue.

The festival has several different productions and workshops for the audience to enjoy. <em>Talking Hands - The Play</em>, Catalina UnLtd’s own production; <em>Ultimate Deaf Side Story</em> produced by the Universe Deaf Theatre, Cape Town (the only surviving Deaf Theatre company in South Africa), and <em>Listen With Your Eyes</em> will give a diverse audience insight into the past and present life experiences of Deaf South Africans, as well as a glimpse into a future where Deaf and hearing people focus more on what makes us the same and less on the differences.

Workshops have been planned during the Festival to help facilitate communication with Deaf people. The Deaf Federation of KwaZulu-Natal will host the first Deaf SA’s Got Talent. The show will feature amateur dancers, magicians, comedians and other performers of all ages competing for a prize. Darren Rajbal, (<em>SA’s got Talent</em> 2009 winner) will give a hip hop dance workshop which will be an opportunity for aspiring dancers both Deaf and Hearing to come and hone their skills.

On the last day of the festival, there will be the Short Film Festival with film screenings from all over the world produced the Deaf filmmakers. Catalina UnLtd looks forward to welcoming audiences to this ground breaking Festival as communities learn and laugh together and celebrate the potential within everyone.

The First Deaf Theatre Festival of South Africa runs at Catalina Theatre from September 25 to 30. More information from festival director Alison Swannack at Booking on 031 305 6889 or online at