Samuel Beckett’s most magical and beautiful allegory Waiting for Godot is offering its final performances tomorrow and Sunday at Catalina Theatre, Wilson’s Wharf, bringing to a close a season designed primarily as a study aid to high school learners.
Directed by Daisy Spencer and featuring a stellar cast, Including award-winning actors Marc Kay (Vladimir),Sean de Klerk (Estragon), Nhlakanipho L Manqele (Pozzo), and critically acclaimed newcomer, Mthokozisi Zulu (Lucky), who audiences will remember as Outa in Boesman and Lena which played at the Catalina in February this year.
Waiting for Godot, is grotesquely beautiful and utterly absorbing - a brilliant, bitter, comic portrait of the dogged resilience of man’s spirit in the face of little hope. The story revolves around two seemingly homeless men waiting for someone or something, named Godot - a mysterious figure who will either explain their interminable insignificance or put an end to it as they confront that essential human dilemma: “I can’t go on. I must go on.”
Vladimir and Estragon wait near a tree on a barren stretch of road, inhabiting a drama spun from their own consciousness. The result is a comical wordplay of poetry, dreamscapes and nonsense, which has been interpreted as a sombre summation of mankind’s inexhaustible search for meaning.
Unfolding on a set designed by Themi Venturas, Waiting for Godot, highlights issues that are timeless and eternal. There are three more performances: tomorrow (September 15) at 20h00 and Sunday (September 16) at 14h00 and 18h00. Tickets booked online @strictlytickets or through the Catalina box office on 031 305 6889.