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Tuesday, October 2, 2012


eThekwini City Architects are joining in World Architecture Day on October 1 and World Architecture Month throughout October.

The theme is Architects are City Changers in an endeavour to highlight the very important role that architects play in the ever evolving urban landscape.

World Architecture Day and World Architecture Month, is an initiative started in 2005 by The International Union of Architects (UIA), a non-governmental organisation and global federation of national associations of architects which aims to unite architects from around the globe. The theme selected by the UIA Council aims to contribute to the movement initiated by the United Nations through their World Urban campaign Better Cities, Better Lives.

According to the UIA Website “City dwellers will make up 70% of the world population in 2050, and cities will have to enact drastic changes in order to accommodate the citizens of the 21st century and offer them living conditions conducive to personal development and well-being. …….. The necessary evolution must concentrate on mitigating climate change, reducing polluting emissions, and better management of resources and energy; structuring cities to be socially inclusive, accessible and equitable, eliminating discrimination and precarious housing; developing cities that can resist crises and cataclysms, whether natural or induced by man, developing economic, educational and creative opportunities for all; ensuring the security and sanitary conditions vital to all individuals.”

City Architect, Jonathan Edkins says: “World Architecture Day and Month is an opportunity for architects to highlight the contribution they can make in changing our cities for the future to meet the growing demands of the built environment. We as architects have an important part to play in the development of our future cities as we attempt to find solutions for what are called sustainably liveable cities.

“In Durban we are particularly pleased with development made with a number of buildings and environments within the city, Edkins continues. “Our efforts were rewarded with a number of projects recognised through the KwaZulu-Natal Institute for Architecture Merit Awards Programme; these include the New Clermont Swimming Pool and Soccer Field Upgrade, which also received a national South African Institute of Architecture Commendation, the Green Hub at Blue Lagoon and the Housing Typologies Research Study."

During World Architecture Month, the eThekwini City Architects will highlight a number of projects in an effort to expose Durban’s citizens to the work being down to create this city’s future built environment.