Church Orchestra)
On October
21, the Orchestra of the Antoniterkirche in Cologne, Germany, will present a 60
minute concert at the Durban Evangelical Lutheran Church in Durban.
orchestra is on tour through South Africa and will be playing works by CPE
Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, Angelo Ragazzi, Georg Philipp Telemann, Joseph
Rheinberger and Peter Warlock. They are under the direction of Johannes Quack
(organ) and the soloists are Anne Corazolla (volin) and Peter Scheerer (trumpet).
The Orchestra
of the Antoniterkirche’s concert will take place at 11h00 on October 21 at the
Durban Evangelical Lutheran Church, Renshaw Road, off Franks Road , Durban. Entrance
is free, with donations in favour of Vulingqondo Pre-primary school in Umbilo. More
information from Margrit Deppe on 082 886 2470 or email: deppefam@yahoo.com