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Friday, November 30, 2012


Classicfeel Magazine's bumper holiday issue offers an exclusive interview with JM Coetzee.

Classicfeel Magazine has succeeded where most other publications have failed by securing an exclusive interview with the Nobel Prize winning author. Known for his reclusiveness and reluctance to speak to the media, the literary giant speaks candidly to Classicfeel’s editor Lore Watterson on a range of topics, including – among other things – his views on stage and screen adaptations of his work, censorship and the music he has loved all his life.

What makes Classicfeel December 2012/ January 2013 even more special is that it features BOTH South Africa's Nobel laureates for Literature. As Nadine Gordimer received the first ever ACT Lifetime Achievement for Literature, some of her longtime friends and associates stepped forward to tell Classicfeel about their experiences of this great author and political activist.

Nadine Gordimer features in Classicfeel alongside her fellow 2013 ACT Lifetime Achievement Award winners, Welcome Msomi (Theatre), Andrew Verster (Visual Art) and Jonas Gwangwa (Music), all of whom granted the magazine exclusive interviews.

Read all this and more in the special December/ January holiday edition of South Africa's #1 Arts, Culture and Lifestyle magazine, available now at your nearest branch of CNA and Exclusive Books. For more information or to subscribe visit