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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Diana Krall's new look and sound, a visit to one of South Africa's leading corporate art collections, and much more in the latest issue of Classicfeel Magazine.

In the November cover story, Classicfeel – South Africa's #1 arts, culture and lifestyle magazine – samples the tracks on Diana Krall's newest album, which is set to surprise the singer-pianist's many fans with its transition from the polished jazz for which she is so well-known, to a rougher, sexier, blues and rock 'n roll-influenced sound. Classicfeel examines the conception of the new album and the exciting change in direction it represents.

On the occasion of Standard Bank's 150th anniversary, Classicfeel takes a brief tour through the company's impressive art collection, featuring an exciting array of works by both local and international artists. Highlights of the collection are due to be exhibited as part of the anniversary celebrations.

Then, keeping with the theme of leaders in South African visual art, Classicfeel speaks to the founders of the Bag Factory about the Johannesburg studio's vital international connections.

Read all this and more stories on visual art, theatre, music, culture and lifestyle in the November issue of Classicfeel, now available at Exclusive Books or CNA. For more information or to subscribe, call 011 787 0252 or visit