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Tuesday, December 25, 2012


PANSA has announced that it is to produce a coffee table book of South African dance. With this in mind, PANSA is calling for contributions of both text and photos. Voluntary contributions to this historic venture will be greatly appreciated, and acknowledged in the book.

Required content includes, but is not limited to written contributions, in the form of history of dance organisations, anecdotes of leading personalities, brief biographies of important and ground-breaking dance practitioners, reviews of major productions, or any similar written content.

Of great value would be high-resolution digital images of dancers, choreographers, or dance productions as well as insights into the history of contemporary dance in South Africa, important milestones and personalities, or any other content that you think might be relevant.

All photographs, paragraphs and contributions of another nature will be acknowledged in the book. “So pull out your photographs, old or new, of personal and professional dance and dancers for possible inclusion in this historic publication,” says PANSA. “While we cannot guarantee that every photograph or line of text will be included, all contributions will be treated with honour and accorded the care and attention they deserve.”

By sending the images and/or text to PANSA for inclusion in the book, you warrant the following:

That you are the owner of the complete copyright and all other rights in the material submitted. The content submitted does not infringe any existing copyright or any licence or any other right of any person, organisation or company. The material submitted does not contain plagiarised, obscene or objectionable material or anything of a libellous or scandalous character.

If the content submitted does not belong to you, or is subject to copyright by some other body, you provide full details of such person or organisation to enable us to contact them for permission to use the content. 

Deadline is January 18, 2013. Contributions should be emailed to