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Saturday, January 26, 2013


The Standard Bank Sikuvile Journalism Awards approaches closing date.

Entries for this year’s prestigious print and digital journalism awards close on February 6. Once again sponsored in their entirety by Standard Bank, the awards for excellence in journalism are co-ordinated by the industry’s representative body, PDMSA (Print and Digital Media South Africa). Entries may be submitted in any of South Africa’s official languages, to Malesedi Dlamini (at, who will also supply additional entry forms and answer any queries.

“We are looking for our journalists who have not only contributed to excellence in their profession over the past year, but also shown the ability to achieve a perfect balance between research, reporting, writing and presenting the news,“ says Ingrid Louw, CEO of PDMSA. “Over the past five years we have seen the awards grow by leaps and bounds and with digital now very much a part of our remit, we feel we are becoming even more relevant to our brave and hard-working constituents. For 2012-2013, we have a brand new award to present, and our digital awards have been adapted to meet the needs of this medium.”

The Standard Bank Sikuvile Awards comprise 17 categories in all, plus the Allan Kirkland Soga Achievement Award. This year’s digital awards are designated as Multi-Platform Stories and Multimedia Stories. The new award is The Rising Star of the Year but no entries need to be submitted in this category, as the judges will select a winner from the range of entries in the other categories. It is therefore important for entrants to state the number of years of their experience in the profession.

The Allan Kirkland Soga award is aimed at journalists who have at least 20 years in the profession and is named for the pioneering editor of Izwi Labantu (Voice of the People), who served in this capacity from 1898-1908. He was also one of the founders of the South African Native Press Association (the first African news service in Africa) and columnist for Umteteli wa Bantu.

The judging panel of 16 respected journalists is again being convened this year by Paula Fray and the full list of names is available on the entry form, together with detailed information on the entrance requirements for nominations.

Entries delivered before January 28 should go to the PDMSA offices on the second floor at No. 7, St David’s Park, St David’s Place, Parktown and then between January 28 and February 6 to Media Park reception, 69 Kingsway Street, Ground Floor, Auckland Park; in Johannesburg.